• April 19, 2023
  • drdeshy
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So many people in this age are becoming what they detest and preach against. They were once advocates of love and good behavior, but now they are something else. Where are many missing it? Is it pride and over-familiarity with God’s operations in the lives of many that make them feel they have known it all? Could it be that people disappoint them, or that they just say or do what is not part of them at that moment of their

It’s a serious burden to see people turn to something else in this era, and it’s just like taking a lecture, quiz, and final exam in a day. Are they overwhelmed by the issue of life?

It’s now looking like the word we say, Come back to test us, and those who are not what they say fail woefully. – Dr. IA

May we not fail in the test of our faith. It’s by faith and through faith that a person may say many good things, and when the test of faith comes, we must prove to be genuine in our faith. I believe that this is the time we must stick to the little things and build ourselves on them until we are grounded. Saying many words and later not living according to what we say is termed deceit and makes the younger ones lose hope because they see the opposite of what we say.

I have seen that being intellectual and anointed is not proof that a man will be a person of integrity. Above all the wisdom, anointing, authority, and influence, if the character is nothing to write about, we will make people only do eye service.

It’s dangerous for people to only respect us because of our position or authority. Our character should be the foundation that earns us respect. – Ibrahim Adeshola

Let those who have the opportunity to speak not insult those who have yet to speak. Let those who can see be guided, and do not mock those who can’t. Those who can hear should never make fun of those who can’t. Seasons and times change, but God’s standard remains the same. Let us be quick to hear and slow to speak. We shouldn’t cast stones when we can’t guarantee what’s coming in the future. Let us run the race with love while looking to Jesus, who is the author and finisher of our faith. In Him alone are we perfect, and we can do exceedingly well in this life.

Our common goal is to make heaven, and proving to the world that we are all-knowing when we haven’t passed the elementary exam is something we should be careful about in this era. May God the Almighty continue to help us in all things.

What can I do to avoid becoming the opposite?

  1. Don’t preach what you are not doing.
  2. Don’t condemn people; condemn the action.
  3. Don’t be a hypocrite; correct in love.
  4. Don’t act like an all-knowing fool when you need help in life.
  5. Be a good listener, learn from others, and do all with the love of God and not to gain man’s approval.

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